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To spank or not to spank

 Honoré Daumier, ''Le Toucher''
Honoré Daumier, ''Le Toucher''

In 1975, the American Psychological Association adopted the following statement on corporal punishment, more commonly known as spanking:

Corporal Punishment (link to statement)

Council voted to adopt the following resolution on corporal punishment:
Whereas the resort to corporal punishment tends to reduce the likelihood of employing more effective, humane, and creative ways of interacting with children;
Whereas it is evident that socially acceptable goals of education, training, and socialization can be achieved without the use of physical violence against children, and that children so raised, grow to moral and competent adulthood;
Whereas corporal punishment intended to influence "undesirable responses" may create in the child the impression that he or she is an "undesirable person"; and an impression that lowers self-esteem and may have chronic consequences;
Whereas research has shown that to a considerable extent children learn by imitating the behavior of adults, especially those they are dependent upon; and the use of corporal punishment by adults having authority over children is likely to train children to use physical violence to control behavior rather than rational persuasion, education, and intelligent forms of both positive and negative reinforcement;
Whereas research has shown that the effective use of punishment in eliminating undesirable behavior requires precision in timing, duration, intensity, and specificity, as well as considerable sophistication in controlling a variety of relevant environmental and cognitive factors, such that punishment administered in institutional settings, without attention to all these factors, is likely to instill hostility, rage, and a sense of powerlessness without reducing the undesirable behavior;
Therefore, be it resolved that the American Psychological Association opposes the use of corporal punishment in schools, juvenile facilities, child care nurseries, and all other institutions, public or private, where children are cared for or educated (Conger, 1975).

As of this blog post, the APA is currently working on updating their statement to include additional research discoveries and to add the home as a location where spanking should not be used. Essentially, the statement would indicate that corporal punishment/spanking should not be used in any setting as a means of addressing behavior in children.
The reasoning for this change is outlined in a report of studies spanning decades and peer-reviewed research methods. The Task Force on Physical Punishment of Children continues to makes progression in learning the best methods to address behavior and foster the development of children. As parents and caregivers, we should also consider the best method to address the needs of children while also minimizing harm.
Understandably, some do not agree with this this statement in regards to child rearing at home. Children are seen as solely the responsibility of parents rather than society as a whole. This places children in a position where they are between people who deserve full rights to the property of their parents.
What do you all think about spanking? Has it altered you in any harmful way? Do you believe there are better or alternative methods?

Click here to download the report by the Task Force on Physical Punishment of Children.
